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双语传播 | 用英文领略李时珍本草纲目之光彩

时间:2019年07月19日 信息来源:不详 点击: 加入收藏 】【 字体:








Recently, a special activity held in Hubei University of Chinese Medicine caught the eye of many English enthusiasts to compete on the spot and showcase their passion for TCM(Traditional Chinese Medicine) culture.



On July 11, China News of Traditional Chinese Medicine published a special report on the second page with the title “TCM Translation Contest Held by Hubei University of Chinese Medicine”.


Since its launch in April, 1006 translation works from all over the country were received, and 55 contestants entered the final round.



The original text of the Final was selected from A 500-year Chronicle of Compendium of Materia Medica to test their grasp of TCM knowlege and language expertise.



After fierce competition, Wan Bingshuang, a student from Hubei University of  Chinese Medicine, won the special award. Zhang Ni from China Railway Bridge Science Research Institute (Wuhan), and Huang Hongjie, a student from Minjiang College of Fujian Province, won the first prize.



After the event, Mao Herong, associate professor of School of Foreign Languages, delivered a lecture for the contestants to discuss the translation standards for TCM.



It is reported that outstanding contestants have been granted the opportunities to participate in the World TCM Translation Competition and the 7th CISM Military World Games in Wuhan.


Liu Ya, Dean of School of Foreign Languages, hopes to evoke the enthusiasm of English lovers for TCM through holding such an event every year, as a way to appreciate the unique charm of TCM culture and to carry forward the great spirit of Li Shizhen.




Li Shizhen(1518-1593), courtesy-named Dongbi and art-named Recluse of Binhu (Bin Hu Shan Ren), came from Qizhou City of the Ming Dynasty, now Qizhou Town, Qichun County of Hubei Province.



To successfully compile the epoch-making scientific masterpiece Compendium of Materia Medica (Ben Cao Gang Mu), Li Shizhen had devoted over 30 years to the textual researches on more than 800 classics and had the draft manuscript revised totally three times.



On the basis of his predecessors’ achievements in the pharmacological studies, Li contributed further by supplementing the unrecorded and rectifying many past mistakes and misconceptions as regards the nature of many medicinal substances and causes of various illnesses. The Compendium of Materia Medica in fact heralds the dawning of modern pharmacological studies.


The Compendium of Materia Medica is the most complete and comprehensive medical book ever written in the history of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). It lists, analyses and describes all the plants, animals, minerals and other objects that were believed to have medicinal properties.



As for the achievements, the Compendium of Materia Medica is not merely confined to the province of pharmacology, but also covers (discussion on topics such as) botany, zoology, mineralogy, physics, astronomy, chemistry, metallurgy, geology, meteorology, etc.



The book is a 52-volume compilation. The edition successfully nominated for the Memory of the World Register was carved and block-printed (earliest of its kind) in 1596 by bookseller Hu Cheng-long from Jinling (now Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province). Therefore, the “Jinling Edition” is the source document for all its later versions both in China and the world.



From the 18th to 20th century, the compendium was either completely or partly translated into many languages, including French, English, German and Russian, and distributed all over the world.



Charles Darwin, the British biologist and author of Origins of Species, acknowledged the book as an “ancient Chinese encyclopedia”.



The Compendium of Materia Medica may be counted among the first-rate testimonies of world culture.”



“Broad and elaborate as it is in content, this monumental work is neatly organized and selectively highlighted. It’s just like roaming the vast sea of medicines for he has comprehensively investigated into the nature of them. Should it be only treated as a medical book? Definitely, no! It’s actually an epitome of human reasoning and an encyclopedia of principle inquiry (into all medicinals). It’s really a secret document for the monarchs and a cherished trove for His Majesty’s subjects.”







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下一篇:文明创建副校长陈运中带队赴恩施开展“青春心向党 探访土家行”第三届荆楚中医药文化行游学活动
(作者:佚名 编辑:湖北中医药大学成人高考)


